Friday, November 22, 2013

++++INLOADING DATAFILE 038++++ Deimos Predator Expirament 1

A quick update for today.

So I decided to try making a Deimos predator.  I've been taking one in the last like two games and it's actually really good unit currently for CSM now.  These pics are about 4 hours in, a lot of time was spent figuring out the sponsons as they are the most odd and complicated aspects.  That round door was a bitch as first!

I'm using this as a true scale experiment, I'm slightly increasing the size of the vehicle to see how much difficulty it takes.  It's only a minor change but if it's too difficult then I'll just chalk it up to this being a different mark of predator.  If it's easy then I might do the same thing for any rhinos and equivalents I make later on.  It's about 1 inch longer (extra roadwheel) and 1/3" taller.

The Lascannon Sponson is coming along quite well, once I had worked out how to fit it it went together rather easily.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

++++INLOADING DATAFILE 037++++ Battle Report 1: CSM vs TAU 1500 pts

This battle report features my own WIP Word Bearers host vs my old friend Chris Aruda's Tau, and no neither of us is playing a 'competitive list' in any way.

To summarize the armies on the CSM side we have:

Warlord: Huron Blackheart
Dark Apostle w/ MoT and GoM

10 Chosen w/ 3 power weapons, 2 power fists, GoM

35 Cultists w/ MoT

35 Cultists w/ MoT

35 Cultists w/ Autoguns, 3x heavy stubbers

Hellbrute w/ 2x power fists and 2x heavy flamers

Defiler w/ Reaper Autocannon, power scourge, and dirge caster.

Huron infiltrates the melter cultists forwards and the whole army rushes the enemy. Simple plans are good plans.

On the tau side we have:

Commander battlesuit w/ fusiongun, shields, and BS giving system

Shas'ui in suit with 2x flamers

3 Crisis Suits 2x pulse cannons

3 Crisis Suits plasma and fusion

12 Fire Warriors rifles and markerlight

12 Fire Warriors rifles and markerlight

12 Fire Warriors rifles and markerlight

12 Fire Warriors carbines and emp grenades in devilfish
-Devilfish w/ missile pods and flachette launchers

12 pathfinders w/ marker lights

20 kroot with sniper.

The plasma/fusion crisis team was deep striking.

The scenario was the big guns never tire with 5 objectives rolled and short edged deployment zones.

So now with no further ado here is the video:

++++INLOADING DATAFILE 036++++ Battle report 1: CSM vs TAU 1500 pts

This battle report features my own WIP Word Bearers host vs my old friend Chris Aruda's Tau, and no neither of us is playing a 'competitive list' in any way.

To summarize the armies on the CSM side we have:

Warlord: Huron Blackheart
Dark Apostle w/ MoT and GoM

10 Chosen w/ 3 power weapons, 2 power fists, GoM

35 Cultists w/ MoT

35 Cultists w/ MoT

35 Cultists w/ Autoguns, 3x heavy stubbers

Hellbrute w/ 2x power fists and 2x heavy flamers

Defiler w/ Reaper Autocannon, power scourge, and dirge caster.

Huron infiltrates the melter cultists forwards and the whole army rushes the enemy. Simple plans are good plans.

On the tau side we have:

Commander battlesuit w/ fusiongun, shields, and BS giving system

Shas'ui in suit with 2x flamers

3 Crisis Suits 2x pulse cannons

3 Crisis Suits plasma and fusion

12 Fire Warriors rifles and markerlight

12 Fire Warriors rifles and markerlight

12 Fire Warriors rifles and markerlight

12 Fire Warriors carbines and emp grenades in devilfish
-Devilfish w/ missile pods and flachette launchers

12 pathfinders w/ marker lights

20 kroot with sniper.

The plasma/fusion crisis team was deep striking.

The scenario was the big guns never tire with 5 objectives rolled and short edged deployment zones.

So now with no further ado here is the video:

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

++++INLOADING DATAFILE 035++++ Quick reality update

So I have been having a very hard time lately with real life, my now former employer has not been doing well and it made it very challenging for me to earn a living. I am a personal trainer in real life and for you to thrive your gym needs to have fair terms of employment and the membership need to be pleased with the facility overall, needless to say neither of those was the case and I decided to move on.

Fast forward to now and I have picked up 3 new clients in less than a week, the same number I had gained in the previous 3 months at my former gym, so I should be getting more time for 40k coming up.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, October 4, 2013

++++INLOADING DATAFILE 034++++ Lots of Random Update

So the reason for the dearth of updates of late is that I don't have internet at my new place yet and have gone way over on my cellphones data plan this month as a result. Gonna fix that next week, then I'll get through the backlog of things I've been meaning to post.

So that said here are some quick shots if things I've been working of recently.

I apologize for the low resolution thumbnails here, it's the best my phone does. Click on them for the full sized high def shit.

Marneus Calgar resculpt:

So my buddy Sean plays Ultramarines and his birthday just came and went this month. We've both always complained about the crappy pose of the current Calgar model, as well as it's being sized to the old metal termies. So I decided that I'd make him a new one in a badass pose and true scaled (Hes supposed to be a giant of a marine anyways.).

Here are the early test fit pics, honestly it was surprisingly fast getting him to this point.

Obviously this still needs a ton of work, but the basic shapes are there.

Parting shot:

Sisters of Battle:

My girlfriend Caitlin is quite awesome overall, and when I showed her warhammer she thought it looked cool and wondered if there were any models of girls.

Fast forward a month and I now have the beginnings of a SoB army for her to play around with.

HOLY CRAP these are overpriced by GW right now, but $80 on eBay got me a cannoness, ten sisters with a superior, some flamers and a squad of seraphim.

These were all abominably painted to start with, so I had to strip 'em (pun intended).

I used this stuff:

Here's what they looked like when I started.

They are all fully stripped now and we are going to start painting them this weekend.

Here is our concept for a paint scheme:

And I also have started working on a character model for her based off of a cool anima model I picked up some years ago, again early stages here.

She's psyched too that there is a new book coming out later this month right around her birthday. Yeah, the universe wants this to happen.

Other Stuff:

So I'm working on organizing and sorting all my bitz again, I figure that these will see it done:

Lastly I realized I've never put up a picture of my full Chaos Space Marine army yet, so here is one from two weeks ago:

My legion grows.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

++++INLOADING DATAFILE 033++++ Defiler WIP 2

My defiler is almost done, here are some pics of it as of yesterday.

Friday, July 5, 2013

++++INLOADING DATAFILE 032++++ First post for a while

Ok I'm back, at least for a few weeks. So I moved recently and now I have a studio and am getting mini work done again. I've been building up a stock of projects to post about, so hopefully I can get you guys a reason to check out this site again.

Enough on that though, this post is about a new tank conversion I'm doing, the Merric MkII. I don't have a clear name for it yet, but it's a STC main battle tank designed in the same philosophy as the rhino and Land raider. If that sounds familiar my old IG army had a conversion along the same lines from 5 years ago and another conversion I started a bit back

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

++++INLOADING DATAFILE 031++++ Defiler WIP Shots

Ok here are some pics of what I've been working on for the last week or so. As you can see the conversion has advanced quite a bit since the initial concept shots last post. My desire to make the defiler more dynamically posed and to have the "IT'Z ALIVE!!!" Effect is coming along well. I've also been working to make the lower "thorax" section of the model larger to help accommodate the enlarged "turret".

So now onto the pics!

So the head is a mash up of a defiler demonic head, the techno head, a minotaur's head, and a LOT of horns from beastmen. Still a bit of work to be done melding it with the neck fully.  The Daemon in him is a servant of Slaneesh named Rhymnocerous; his claws are fast the guns are on his back and he's horny, HE'S HORNY!!!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

++++INLOADING DATAFILE 030++++ Where do we stand, where do we go 2 (Also Defilers)

Alright so it's been over 6 months since I've been active here, I've been busy with work and with getting settled into my new role and unit with the national guard. I left the terrible gym I used to work for and now I'm working for Boston Sports Club, a relatively high end place where I actually am paid decently for my work.

But enough of that boring crap, you people are here for one thing one thing only: miniatures.

So the last few months have seen a slow uptick in my conversion work, so there are lots of things to show. To start things off today I want show the current in progress shots of my new Chaos Defiler conversion.

I don't know about you but I've always found the current defiler model to be extraordinarily static and dull, which is sad because its a great concept it's just hampered by the casting technology that gw had back in the early 2000s.

So I approached this conversion with two goals in mind:
1. Make the model more dynamic so it seems truly "possessed".
2. Make it seem like it belongs standing next to the newer daemon engine models.

To make the model look more like it belongs next to the newer daemon engines I decided to make it less "upright" and more hunched over and menacing. To do this I have lenghened the turret by adding a seperate power plant section behind the traditional turret and I've built a "neck".

So this is where I stand so far. I had intended to use the thunder fire cannon as just the base for the battle cannon with a more traditional barrel, but it looks so badass this way that I'm tempted to leave it as is. Thoughts?