So it's been a while since I've posted any updates of the Interdictor Cruiser I've been building for use at some cons. The construction was paused because it was hard to keep moving forwards without having the gravity well generators done and ready to be installed. If I did the detailing and the generators didn't fit just right it would be a failure.
About a month ago Jeff James made a 3D model of the gravity well generators that came out amazingly. That went off to Shapeways for printing and came back a whole week ahead of time! It's 8" in diameter and 2.5" tall. It's beautiful and fits into the slots I cut perfectly!
Now I just need to make a mold and cast copies. I have a lot of clear resin lying around, so my plan is to cast transparent copies of it. That plus careful painting and some LED work will allow the gravity well generators to light up!!!
Unfortunately It will probably be at least a week before I can make the mold, and I have another two week course for the national guard later this month as well as work and the beginning of another semester.
As a result it can't be finished by Captaincon as I had originally hoped (Feb 6th). I will definitely have this thing finished by the regional championships, it will definitely be at the Rhode Island regional and maybe some others in New England/the North East if people want me to bring it.
Super awesome day!